Should you choose Ram 2500 or Ram 3500 DPF model?
One may think that DPFs are exclusively for heavy-duty diesel vehicles only, but actually it goes as well for light-duty vehicles like cargo vans, mini trucks, and even SUVs. These vehicles oftentimes need this horsepower engine to ensure a more torque performance.
And this is what makes these models. Ram 2500 and Ram 3500 are both light-duty DPFs that guarantees incredible performance to commercial vehicles, SUVs, and especially Dodge vehicles.
This is why choosing between RAM 2500 and 3500 DPF models from Dodge is a really tough thing to do. These light-duty DPF models have proven so much in powering vehicles to better road performance.
To make sure you make the right decision here’s our take to help you weigh your choices. Which one best suit your vehicle?